Synthetic Cubist Portrait - Project #3B

Synthetic cubism is sign-based. This means that instead of expressing an object as a physical representation, the object is expressed using "symbols" that are tied to the object.

For example, if the object expressed is a musical instrument – like a violin – then a cut out of musical notation might be used as the body of the violin, or actual wood, or a simulated print of wood (a sign) might be substituted.

Analytical cubism was concerned with 3D illusion using 2D materials of paint and canvas, where synthetic cubism was concerned with 3D simulation using sign and symbols and actual materials.

Here are some early examples of synthetic cubism:

As you can see, collage is a strong component of synthetic cubism.

Your second cubism project is to create an second portrait of you from a synthetic cubist point of view. It is to be a physical portrait of you, but this time using sign and symbol. In this version you may add outside elements as signification and context.

Project Schedule

Concept Roughs                         Thursday, October 22nd        Post on Blog

- Work in Class             
- Critique

Final Portrait                               Tuesday, October 27th           Post on Blog
- Due beginning of Class
- Critique

Past Student Examples