Visual Logic Music Album - Project #6

A visual logic approach to a design project is similar to writing poetry or composing music. Your assignment is to create a Vinyl Record Album Package for the band and/or artist of your choice.
Project must include Album Cover front and back (with lyrics), a sleeve, and record label.

Use your Visual Logic Exercise and the following visual logic design examples to help steer you
in the right direction, but use your “inner eye” to guide you. All projects due on blog unless
otherwise directed.

Project Schedule

Project Brief Due                                                   Tuesday, November 24th
• Work in Class
   - Mood/Content Board
   - Word/Type List

Album Concept Roughs Due                                  Tuesday, December 1st
• Critique
• Work in Class

Album Tight Design Rough Due                              Thursday, December 3rd
• Critique
• Work in Class

Album Design Comp Due                                       Tuesday, December 8th
• Critique
• Work in Class


This project has progressed along well, so as a class reward the due date and final presentation of the music album has been changed. We will now be using a mockup template to present your new design this time around. 

You will need to download it from the following url:

Print out the three images separately on 11x17 paper using the the laserprinter, and have the three sheets posted on the crit wall no later than 9:00 am, Thursday, December 10th. 

Post the design, along with your project’s process, on your blog as well.
Strive to make this your strongest design of the semester.

Complete Album Design Due                                  Thursday, December 10th
• Critique
   - Digital Mockup using Template posted on Blog
   - Final Laser Prints hung on Crit Wall
 • Last Class


Visual Logic Design Examples